Jake Robertson of Tidy Green Clean Specialist Services discusses the challenges of returning to work and why sanitising your workplace could be the best investment you make in 2021.
The return to work after lockdown is starting to happen and lots of us are really pleased and even excited to get back into the workplace. At the same time, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to ensuring that your business is Covid-secure. Some of your staff might want to come back into the office full time; some might prefer to work more flexibly from home. Have all of them had their vaccine and should you even ask that question? And how many are worried about being in the same space as other people after working at home or being furloughed for such a long time?
While we can’t help with some of those questions, a lot of them are to do with people’s fear about the workplace being hygienic and healthy enough when they come back. Get that part of the equation right – and tell your staff what you’re doing – and the rest of it may well start to fall into place.
We’re definitely seeing that a lot of our customers are struggling with the return to work and the way that Covid-19 and the lockdown has impacted on their business. We’ve been sharing with our customers things that we can do to help with that return and work out the best plan and their priorities so that the cleanliness and hygiene of the business is the last thing they have to worry about. Many are finding that the solutions we’re putting in place for them are having the effect of encouraging their staff back to work as well – because when they hear how the type of cleaning that we’re providing works and what it does, that information is reassuring nervous staff and making them feel more confident about coming back into the office or hospitality venue.
It’s also really important that we listen. We know how tough lockdown has been, both on a business level and also for us all personally. We make sure that everything we discuss is what our customers genuinely need; it’s not an excuse for us to bombard you with a whole load of services you simply don’t require. That’s why we’re taking the time to have proper conversations with our customers and make sure that the services they request are going to be effective and support their objectives.
We are encouraging people to be proactive though. Take regulatory TR19 cleaning for hospitality venues with kitchens. TR19 should be done at regular intervals, last depending on the kitchen and the volume of business it delivers. We’ve found people putting off booking their next clean because they’ve got so much more to think about. We totally understand that but at the same time, if you wait until you need that specialist clean, you might find that your preferred partner is unavailable. So don’t let the challenges of the pandemic prevent you from taking appropriate action and make sure you don’t leave organising what you need to run your business until the minute – because that will be far more stressful and quite possibly much more difficult.
For general hygienic cleaning we have three different services. Deep cleaning is a full infection prevention control service. Bio-fogging or just fogging is the spraying of a disinfectant mist to sanitise and disinfect hard to reach areas, confined spaces and places that may not be specified in a standard clean. Zoono is the name of the product we use to clean high tough points, surfaces that get a lot of handling including textiles, and lasts up to 30 days, even when washed. Every business is going to have its own concerns and priorities and we can discuss with you the type of challenges you’re up against and the worries of your staff, and help you decide which services you need, the frequency and the information you might need to share with your team.
Finally, we would say – again – don’t leave any of this until you need it. We’re talking with our customers and making sure they have all the information they need to help them book the services they need. If you want to talk this over with me, then please drop me an email on jake@tidygreenclean.co.uk or phone me on 01224 515 933 and together we can find the best solution.